
What Is JavaScript?


JavaScript is a widely used scripting language that works with web browsers to create dynamic pages. It’s a versatile and accessible tool that has been around for more than 25 years and has evolved into one of the most popular programming languages in the world.

What Makes JavaScript So Special?

The first thing that sets JavaScript apart from other programming languages is that it’s a language that runs as a live code stream within the Internet browser. This means that it can be compiled and run without any preparation and requires no downloads or extra software. This makes it a great choice for websites that want to include interactive elements like forms and animations, and is an excellent way to improve the user experience of your website.

What Types of Applications Are Built in JavaScript?

JavaScript is most commonly used in web applications, but it’s also popular for mobile apps that run on the Android and iOS platforms. It can be used to build everything from form validation and animation to real-time updates, games, and more.

How Does It Work?

When a web page is loaded in a browser, it first parses the HTML and creates a Document Object Model (DOM) from the content. This DOM is what presents the live view of the web page to your JavaScript code, and it can contain all sorts of information including images, CSS, and other elements that are linked to the page.

It then loads inline JavaScript code and JavaScript files, and it doesn’t actually run those JavaScript files until it sees a corresponding JS element or the beginning of a JS element that starts with a function call. This can take a bit of time, but it’s a good idea to add some multi-line comments between the functions and elements so that you can clearly explain what’s happening.

In the second phase, called execution, JavaScript scans through all of the code in your JavaScript file and allocates memory to the variables and functions. Then it executes the code, line by line.

This is an asynchronous process, meaning that the code can communicate with the server in the background and send requests to it when the code needs to be completed. This is why some of the most powerful JavaScript features involve asynchronous interaction with remote servers.

Examples of What JavaScript Can Do

There are many reasons why JavaScript is so popular among developers. It’s easy to learn, has a simple syntax, and it allows for flexible interactions with browsers and servers. It can be used to build responsive websites, browser games, and server-side apps, and it is compatible with a wide variety of devices.

If you’re a newbie to coding, you can start by practicing with sites like CodePen that will provide all of the software you need for experimenting with JavaScript. You can also find tutorials, videos, and forums where you can learn more about the language. This will help you develop a solid foundation and become a confident developer. However, you should remember that learning a new language takes time and it can be difficult to get it right the first time.