Code is the language that computers use to communicate with each other. Using this language, computer programmers can create websites, apps, and more.
The word “code” comes from the Greek word “katakos,” meaning “to write.” In its most basic sense, it’s a set of instructions for a computer to interpret and execute. Think of coding like you would for a cooking recipe – you tell the computer what to do with its ingredients, and then it does it.
It’s a skill that can open up countless possibilities, from building your dream game to creating your own business. Learning to code isn’t for everyone, but if you’re willing to put in the time and work hard, there are many paths that can lead you in this field.
Choosing Your Goals
Before you start coding, take some time to figure out what your long-term goals are. Do you want to learn a specific programming language or build an app for a friend? Do you have a flexible timeline or need to finish a project quickly? Once you have your goals in mind, it will be easier to figure out what language and tools to learn first.
Consider your audience
When you are writing code, it’s important to make it as readable as possible. This is because it will affect how long it takes a user to understand it. Often, this means separating concerns at different levels of the codebase. This makes the code easier to read and less cognitively demanding on a future-reader.
Keep Your Names Simple and Well-Named
Coding is a visual language, so it’s very important to use names that are easy for users to see. This can help prevent confusion, especially when a person is just learning to code.
It’s also a good idea to separate logic dealing with different kinds of data. This is because it helps reduce the cognitive load on a future-reader and ensures that all parts of the code base are working together.
You may also be tempted to use fancy techniques or paradigms to make your code more efficient, but these should be used sparingly and with consistency. Fancy operators and syntax can sometimes be difficult to understand, so using them correctly is key to making your code more readable.
Activate Thinking Fast and Slow
One way to improve the readability of your code is to encapsulate it. This is similar to what a book does in the middle of a sentence: it separates a main idea from details that don’t matter very much to the reader but can affect how well they understand the whole thing.
Similarly, you should try to limit the number of references that you make in your code. This can help you avoid headfakes and other problems caused by confusion, such as trying to remember which piece of code does what when you need it in another part of your application.
It’s also a good idea to consider how your code is shared across teams or between developers. This can be done through a naming convention, as well as by avoiding certain words in your code that aren’t appropriate for other developers to read. This can help ensure that your code is as clear and readable as possible, even as it evolves over time.